美國人為什麼有事沒事都要微笑? (Why Do Americans Smile So Much?)
- 單字
- accord (v.)一致
- behind (ad.)在後面
- build (vt.)建設
- business 事務
- correlate 有相互關系的東西
- 句子
- Think "service with a smile."試著聯想「面帶微笑的服務」
- Here's your receipt. Thank you very much!這是您的發票,非常感謝!
- In other countries, though, smiling for no reason can make you seem kind of dumb.然而,在其他國家,如果你沒有理由微笑卻這麼做,會讓你看起來有點蠢。
- The authors found that emotional expressiveness was correlated with diversity.筆者發現,情緒的表達能力和多元程度呈現正相關。
- In these countries, smiling is a way to preserve the hierarchy.在這些國家,微笑是用來鞏固既有社會階層關係。
實驗室生產的肉就要來到你我的餐桌上了!(Lab-Grown Meat Is Coming to Your Supermarket. Ranchers Are Fighting Back.)
- 單字
- accelerate (vt.)加速
- alternative (a.)兩者挑一的
- association 聯系
- believe (vt.)相信;
- board 委員會
- 句子
- Joshua Tetrick, co-founder and CEO of JUST is betting that you will.JUST 的共同創辦人兼執行長 Joshua Tetrick 賭你願意吃。
- The mung bean has been in the world's food system for 4400 years.綠豆在世界食物系統中已經存在了 4400 年。
- I sure as hell didn't invent the mung bean.我絕對不是發明了綠豆。
- Only a single sample from a single animal duplicated endlessly.只要有一個來自單一動物的一件樣本,就能夠永無止盡地複製。
- You have to call it electric mobility transport unit.你必須叫它電子交通運輸部件。
今日星巴克買一送一!當你排隊時心裡會有的 OS (Thoughts You Have In Line At Starbucks)
- 單字
- anyone 任何人
- leave (vt.)離開
- machine 機器
- maybe (ad.)也許
- brand 商標
- 句子
- Is that lady just buying bottled water?那位女士剛買了瓶裝水嗎?
- Who comes to Starbucks just to buy bottled water?誰會來星巴克買瓶裝水啊?
- Who buys CDs from Starbucks? WHO even buy CDs anymore?誰會來星巴克買專輯啊?現在還有誰會買專輯啊。
- Woo! Sounds of Brazil. I kind of want this.哇嗚!「巴西之音」耶!我還蠻喜歡的。
- Maybe I should just buy one of these things and make coffee at home.或許我應該買一台這個機器,然後在家自己煮咖啡。