- 單字
- ambulance 救護車
- robbery 搶案
- fire department 消防局
- theft 竊案
- cough 咳嗽
- sore throat 喉嚨痛
- running nose 流鼻水
- stuffy nose 鼻塞
- diarrhea 拉肚子
- dizzy 頭暈
- 句型
- Please help me. 我需要幫忙。
- There has been an accident. 那裡發生了意外。
- I would like to report a robbery. 我想報一個搶劫案。
- I would like to report a theft. 我想報一個竊案。
- Call the fire department. 趕快打給消防局。
- Go away! 給我滾!
- I have a stomachache. 我肚子痛。
- I've been vomiting. 我一直吐。