
在2017年11月26日 (日) 14:28由郭麗熒對話 | 貢獻所做的修訂版本

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  • 預備週
    • 簡述上課內容


  • 拜訪開平餐飲學校,英文課暫停一次。



  • 出發前必備基礎會話 Daily Conversations p2-3
  • 你能幫我一個忙嗎? Could you do me a favor? p4-5
  • 你好嗎? How are you doing? p6-7
  • 很高興認識你! It was good to meet you! p8-9
  • 功課-翻譯:不同風貌的庭院景觀


  • 小考句子:「超Q手繪旅行實境英語真簡單」:p2-p9 抽十句句子考。
    1. Could you do me a favor by taking this box to the post office?
    2. I'm wondering if you could do me a favor?
    3. Can you fix my computer? It's broken.
    4. How are you doing?
    5. It was good to meet you!
    6. Have a safe journey!
    7. I don't know what you're saying.
    8. Sorry, I may misheard you, what did you say?(另一組:Could you help me to put my luggage?)
    9. Nothing special.
    10. Not much, how about you?
  • 複習:
    • 出發前必備基礎會話 Daily Conversations p2-3
    • 你能幫我一個忙嗎? Could you do me a favor? p4-5
    • 你好嗎? How are you doing? p6-7
    • 很高興認識你! It was good to meet you! p8-9


  • 對不起! I'm sorry! p10
  • 這是什麼牌子? Which brand is this? p11-12
  • 現在幾點了? What time is it? p13
  • 時間、數量、顏色和形狀 Time, Quantity & Color, Shape p14-18
  • 如何說數量? How to talk about quantity? p19-22
  • 閱讀: 融化了 ~ TWICE 敲可愛狙擊你心♥
  • 片語:A Playboy
  • 功課:翻譯-不健康的生活習慣、生病投醫


  • 英文小考「超Q手繪旅行實境英語真簡單」p10-p22 抽十句句子考。 
    1. a speck of dust 一點灰塵
    2. a grain of salt 一粒鹽
    3. one kilogram of sugar 一公斤的糖
    4. Do you have the time?
    5. It't five past eight.
    6. Could you tell me the time, please?
    7. It's twenty-five past four.
    8. What's the time?
    9. It's a quarter past twelve.
    10. a carton of milk 一盒牛奶
  • 複習:
    • 對不起! I'm sorry! p10
    • 這是什麼牌子? Which brand is this? p11-12
    • 現在幾點了? What time is it? p13
    • 時間、數量、顏色和形狀 Time, Quantity & Color, Shape p14-18
    • 如何說數量? How to talk about quantity? p19-22


  • 如何說顏色與形狀? How to talk about color&shape?p23
  • 如何在旅行社訂票 Reserve Airline Tickets at A Travel Agency p24
  • 這張票能保留幾天? How long can you hold the ticket? p25
  • 我想要一張來回票。I'd like to buy a round trip ticket. p26-27
  • 可以幫我出票嗎? Can you issue my ticket, please? p28-31
  • 功課:翻譯-命運無常、傳統市場
  • 閱讀:You Can't Buy That Doggie in the Window
  • 片語:A Big Flaw, A Big Flaw 練習卷


  • 中秋節放假


  • 超Q手繪旅行實境英語真簡單」p23-p27 抽十句句子考。
    1. I'd like to reserve a ticket for a couple of days.
    2. How long can you hold the ticket?
    3. Can I hold the ticket for ten days till payment?
    4. Is this a single ticket?
    5. How many people is the booking for?
    6. Could I have your name please?
    7. Can you give me your credit card number and expiry date?
    8. Would you like to buy travel insurance?
    9. That is the flight 8088 from London to Singapore.
    10. How do you spell your surname?
  • 月考準備頁


  • 小考:片語10個
    1. all night long 整夜
    2. as soon as 一...就立刻
    3. give someone a call 打電話給某人
    4. show someone around 帶某人四處遊覽
    5. get lost 迷路
    6. make up for 補償
    7. out of order 損壞
    8. run out of 用盡
    9. pick someone up 接某人
    10. rain cats and dogs 傾盆大雨


  • 我想確認一下我的航班 I would like to confirm my flight. p32-33
  • 辦理報到手續和登機 Check-in Processes& Boarding p46-49
  • 片語:Ways to Save to Our Earth 練習卷一張
  • Airline Announcements 聽力訓練
    • airline-pre-boarding
    • airline-pre-flight
    • airline-final-boarding
    • air-safety
  • 希臘字母發音
  • 維珍美國航空安全
  • Air France safety video


  • 全班爬草嶺古道,英文課暫停一次。


  • 小考片語:
  1. according to 根據
  2. be concerned for 擔心
  3. be harmful to 對...有害
  4. carry out 實行; 達成
  5. for the sake of 因...緣故
  6. less and less 越來越少
  7. switch on 打開電源
  8. take action 付諸行動
  9. make up for 補償
  10. out of order 損壞


  • 我想確認一下我的預約 I'd like to confirm my reservation. p34-37
  • 出發前需要檢查的東西 Things to Double-check before you leave this city p38-49
  • How to Protect Yourself from the Evil Eye(第二段)
  • 機場廣播練習卷
  • 閱讀&翻譯:在亞洲作客、網路改變傳送資料的方式


  • 全班舊草嶺古道單車行,英文課暫停一次。



  • 超Q手繪旅行實境英語真簡單」p52-53 抽十句句子考。
    • 英文小考內容:
    1. 我沒有行李要托運。Nothing to check in.
    2. 我的行李有多重?How heavy is this luggage?
    3. 行李超重要收多少錢?How much do you charge for excess baggage?
    4. 托運行李的限重是多少?How much is the free allowance for checked baggage (cabin baggage)?
    5. 你需要重新打包行李。You have to repack your luggage.
    6. 你想托運幾件行李?How many luggage would you like to check in?
    7. 對不起你超重了5公斤。I’m sorry, you’re five kilos overweight.
    8. 請把它們放到磅秤上,一次一個。Please put all of them on the scale at a time.
    9. 你需要為超額行李付額外費用。You’ll have to pay additional fees for excess baggage.
    10. 你準備把那小包當作隨身行李嗎?Are you keeping that small baggage as a hand luggage?
  • The Cost of Beauty 世界美『頸』
  • 長頸族影片:Why Do These Women Stretch Their Necks? | National Geographic
  • 閱讀:代課老師、人體構造
  • 片語:A White Lie


  1. 小考單字(月考)


  1. 小考單字
  2. 飯店裡的服務 Services in Hotel(複習)
  3. 退房 Check out
  4. 閱讀:留學,一切準備就緒
  5. 片語:To Get Married or Not


  1. 小考單字
  2. 退房 Check out(複習)
  3. 短文閱讀:來到賭城拉斯維加斯
  4. 片語:A Night in Manlia


  1. 小考單字
  2. 問路 Asking Directions
  3. 閱讀:透過整形手術追求完美
  4. 片語:A Curious Boy


  • 小考單字
  • 問路 Asking Directions(複習)
  • 在售票中心買票 Buy Ticket at Tickets Centre
  • 閱讀:Jamie的警察生涯


  • 小考單字
  • 在售票中心買票 Buy Ticket at Tickets Centre(複習)
  • 乘坐計程車 Travel by Taxi
  • 閱讀:Dawn費心打理的居家庭院


  • 小考單字
  • 乘坐計程車 Travel by Taxi(複習)
  • 乘坐火車 Travel by Train
  • 閱讀:眼睛健康亮紅燈


  • 小考單字
  • 乘坐計程車 Travel by Train (複習)
  • 遊覽景點 Tourist Attraction
  • 月考複習
  • 閱讀:烹飪意外掛急診


  • 小考單字(月考)