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The Scoop of the Century
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====Plans To Start Diving Tours of Titanic Shipwreck====
Beginning in 2018, the most infamous shipwreck of all time will be open to tourists again. Blue Marble Private, a luxury travel company based in London, is planning dives to see what remains of the Titanic. They are urging people to come see it now because a study from 2016 found that bacteria are corroding the wreckage, and over the next 15 to 20 years, the Titanic could be gone. It will cost an estimated US$105,129 for each person who wants to see the Titanic, and the first scheduled dive is already booked solid.
Beginning in 2018, the most infamous shipwreck of all time will be open to tourists again. Blue Marble Private, a luxury travel company based in London, is planning dives to see what remains of the Titanic. They are urging people to come see it now because a study from 2016 found that bacteria are corroding the wreckage, and over the next 15 to 20 years, the Titanic could be gone. It will cost an estimated US$105,129 for each person who wants to see the Titanic, and the first scheduled dive is already booked solid.
====The Scoop of the Century====
Journalists are meant to report the news, but sometimes 噁the story of their lives is also worthy of making the headlines. One example is Clare  Hollingworth, who was born in 1911. She would go on to become a legendary figure in journalism during a century noted for unparalleled change.
Hollingworth's father took his young daughter to visit major historical battlefields as a child, so her interest in war began at an early age. She started work as a secretary for the new League of Nations and was later sent to Poland by a British refugee organization. While working there, she assisted in sending several thousand refugee to safety in the United Kingdom. Hollingworth then returned to Britain herself and was hired by The Daily Telegraph, a UK newspaper. When she was sent to Poland to report on worsening situations in Europe, she spotted hundreds of tanks near the Polish border and realized that Hitler was preparing an attack.
記者的目的是要播報新聞,但有時他們的故事也值得登上頭條。其中一個例子是Clare  Hollingworth,她出生於1911,她以前所未有的改變在一世紀中,接著變成新聞界傳奇的人物。
====The Scoop of the Century====
After only three days on her new job as a correspondent, she submitted a news story about the upcoming attack that later earned the nickname "the scoop of the century." Germany attacked Poland three days later, starting World ∥.
Hollingworth continued to report during the war from Europe and Egypt. Afterwards, she spent time to Algeria, where the locals were rebelling against French colonial rule. This was followed by posts in India, Vietnam, China, and other places. While in Lebanon during 1963, she discovered that the infamous double agent Kim Philby, a man wanted by the British government, had fled to Russia.
From 1973 to her death in January of 2017 at the age of 105, Hollingworth made her home in Hong Kong. Though she was only 160 cm tall, Hollingworth was nonetheless a true giant among journalists.
Hollingworth繼續報導歐洲和埃及之間的戰爭。之後,她花時間去阿爾及利亞,他們當地居民反抗法國的殖民統治。後來派到印度、越南、中國和其他地方。當她1963年到黎巴嫩,發現惡名昭彰的雙重間諜Kim Philby,英國政府通輯的一位男士,他要逃亡到俄羅斯。
====The Japanese Fox Village====
In East Asian and European folklore, foxes have long been considered intelligent cunning, and mischievous creature. In some culture, they are seen as clever, magical beings with the power to transform into humans. Japanese culture is particularly fond of fox, as can be seen in their literature, video games and even food. For example, inarizushi, or rice balls wrapped in fried tofu skin, is a nod to Shinto fox god in Inari. Part of their appeal is that the small, wild canines with perky ears, bushy talls, and adorable faces are beloved but difficult to approach.
In Japan, there are many ways to get close to exotic animals in controlled environments. Owl cafe, an island of bunnies, islands filled with cats, and cat cafes across the archipelago are some examples. Of tourist attractions centered around animals.
====The Japanese Fox Village====
If you would rather get up close and personal with foxes in the wild, there is a place located in the the mountains of Miyagi prefecture
where you can do just that.
The Zao Fox Village is a free-range fox zoo with 18,000 square feet of forest for six different species of foxes. The sanctuary was founded in 1990 as a haven for foxes that were saved from being killed for their fur. Now, over 100 wild foxes call the village home. All of the different colored foxes playing together in one place is truly a sight to see .However, these foxes are not domesticated, so following the rules to exercise caution is necessary. With plenty of space to roam around and protection from the fur trade, this fox oasis is  the perfect opportunity to back in the cuteness of these lovable creatures.
====London to Taipei:Double-decker Buses Are Great!====
Is there anything more iconic than the red double-decker buses of London? The first double-deckers appeared on the streets of London in the early 1900s, but they were actually manufactured in Germany.Today, modern double-decker are in use in many countries. However, nowhere are they more of a national symbol than in UK. In London, they are also the most common type of bus used for general transportation. In addition to preserving tradition, one reason double-deckers are used more than extra-long buses in the UK is that they are easier to drive on narrow streets and offer more seating capacity for passengers. The AEC Roadmaster bus had been used in London since its introduction in 1956.
Nevertheless, this model is now no longer on the streets because of the difficulty these buses had in accommodate disabled passengers, and it has since been replaced by newer models.
====London to Taipei:Double-decker Buses Are Great!====
In addition to getting passengers from point A to point B, double-decker buses are also operated for sightseeing tours. In tourist hot spots such as Hollywood, Las Vegas, Berlin, Singapore, and Hong Kong,these distinctive vehicles, typically without a roof, are a hit with tourists. In January 2017, double-deckers finally made their way to Taipei. Tourists and locals alike can ride them to view such landmarks as Taipei 101, the Nation Palace Museum, Taipei Expo Park, and several other spots. The price of the ticket allows passengers to get on and off the buses as many times as they wish as long as it is within a specified timeframe. Options include a night ticket,a day ticket, a one-day ticket, as well as a two-day ticket. What are you waiting for? Go ride a double-decker bus through Taipei and see the sights of city like you never have before.
====Singapore Buses Use Improper English on Signs====
In the multicultural hub of Singapore, English is one of the country's four official languages. The dialect that locals use is commonly called Singlish, which is a unique Singaporean spin on the English language. Like many other places, people in Singapore incorporate slang and improper grammar into their spoken language. The city is embracing Singlish by printing bus signs using what some would call broken English. Signs on the three-door Tower Transit buses are experimenting with the use of Singlish in the public sphere. A few examples of text printed on the signs include:"Sorry, wait a while can?", "Singapore now got 3-door bus!", "Here cannot go in!", "Here can charge phone!" and "Sorry, exit the other side can?"
====Singapore Buses Use Improper English on Signs====
While it adds local flavor to the experience of taking public transportation, and some people like the quirkiness of the signs, it can be confusing for visitors. According to the bus company, the use of signlish is meant to make people pay closer attention to the signage, which highlights the new USB ports and staircases. The signs are also printed with the correct English written underneath to avoid confusion.
Mr. Rey Serrano, a 34-year-old design engineer, told The Straits Times, "Tourists who do not know Singlish might misunderstand the sign and leave with a bad impression of Singaporeans' standard of English." Although some people might get the wrong idea, the signs will only be left up there for six months to see how it works out.
Rey Serrano先生34歲,是一位設計工程師,告訴海峽時報:「不知道新加坡式英語的遊客可能會誤解這個標誌,並對新加坡人的英語水平留下不好的印象離開。」雖然有些人可能會有誤解,但這些標誌只會留在巴士六個月,看看它是如何運作的。
====England's Eton College====
Eton College is one of the most distinguished and interesting learning institutions in the United Kingdom. Probably the most famous school of its kind in the world, Eton enrolls around 1,300 male boarding students, aged 13 to 18. Eton College is not a College in the conventional sense of the word, but rather a boy's senior high school.
Eton is renowned for its quality education, state-of-the-art learning facilities, and a wide range of extracurricular activities. Students enjoy a low pupil-teacher ratio, and each student has his own private study room and tutor. The school has a high success rate for students being accepted into leading universities in the UK like Oxford and Cambridge.The prestigious institution has been educating high achievers since its founding in 1440 by King Herry VI as a school for underprivileged boys.
伊頓以優質的教育、最先進的學習設施與各式各樣的課外活動而聞名。學生和老師的比率低,每個學生都有自己的私人書房和導師。伊頓學校被英國牛津大學和劍橋大學錄取的成功率很高。這個有名望的學校從1440年由King Herry六世成立以來,為貧困男孩設的學校,教育出了高成就者。
====England's Eton College====
Eton boasts 20 British prime ministers among its alumni. Little wonder, since it is traditionally referred to as "the chief nurse of England's statesmen."
As one would expect,it is not easy to enroll in Eton College. Of course, successful applicants must demonstrate proficiency in the standard examination subjects. In addition, their intelligence and creativity are tested in some unique ways. One question asked applicants to imagine they were Shakespeare's Lady Macbeth and to make up a diary entry they think she would write expressing her feelings after receiving her husband's letter. There was also a quiz in which they had to successfully figure out word meanings in a made-up language. Perhaps most difficult was the essay assignment requiring the applicants to explain why the killing of violent protesters by police, a current news story, was both moral and the only available option.
The culture of Eton College places great emphasis on their students'extracurricular, non-academic life. There are numerous clubs, called societies, that focus on such things as economics, polices, business, finance, and investment banking. There is an aviation society for airplane hobbyists a visionary society that's all about futurology, and a society about American politics and issues, to name a few. If there is not already a society for a students particular interest, he is encouraged to start one. A teacher represents each society, but these clubs are managed by their members. Every week, the student groups host up to 20 speaking events. Speakers are often Nobel Prize winners and typically world-class experts. A hallmark of Eton's student culture is that they are given the freedom and independence to pursue individual interests in a nurturing environment where students develop a high degree of self-confidence and responsibility.
====The Cat Raised as a Dog====
There is a common saying,"They fight like cats and dogs." Perhaps this phrase come about because these two animals have different characteristics. Cats are distant and take some time to become friendly, while dogs are known for their ability to socialize with other animals. Therefore, the story of Rosie the cat may come as a surprise to many people.
As a kitten, Rosie was not in the best of health. Fortunately, a trio of Californian sisters rescued her. The sisters realized that medicine could only do so much, and this situation needed a mother's touch. The sisters' family has three Siberian Huskies, one of which took on the task of raising the kitten as her own. Thought the dog had never been a mother before, she quickly adapted to her new role.
有個常見的話,「他們大吵一架(像貓狗一樣吵)。」或許這個用語的出現,是因為這兩種動物有著不同的特點。貓不親近人,要花些時間才會變友善,狗有和其他動物社交的能力這是眾所周知的事。因此,Rosie 的故事可能會讓你出乎意料。
====The Cat Raised as a Dog====
In many ways, Rosie now acts like a dog. She likes to play in water, she travels with a pack, and she even enjoys eating dog food. While the family has other cats, she prefer to spend time with her canine cohorts. There is a psychological theory called imprinting that may account for this odd behavior. People and animals learn how to behave from their caretakers. When a caretaker does certain gestures or action, the one being taken care of will often mimic the same action. This is why young children will have the same language and accents as their parents. For Rosie, all that matters is that she went from being homeless to becoming a member of a large and loving pack where she can belong, no matter what species she happens to be.
在許多方面,Rosie 現在的行為就跟狗一樣。牠喜歡在水裡玩,旅行時成群,牠甚至很享受吃狗的食物。當她家裡有其他的貓,他比較喜歡花時間和狗狗同伴在一起。有一個心理學理論叫銘印現象,可以說明這個奇怪的行為。人們和動物會從他們的看護人上學習如何表現行為。當一個看護人做某些手勢或行動,被看護的人通常會模仿著一樣的動作,這就是為什麼小孩和他們的父母會說出一樣的語言和口音。對Rosie來說,最重要的是,他從無家可歸到能成為一個龐大又有愛的動物群裡的一員,無論她是什麼物種。

2018年1月22日 (一) 11:38的最新修訂版本


The Kiss Seen around the world

Many photographs stand out as images that define an era by capturing a certain mood or using imagery that is unique to the time period it was taken. Among the most recognizable historical photographs are the shots of soldiers raising the American flag at Lwo Jima, and the boxer Muhammad Ali standing over his defeated opponent in the boxing ring.

One photograph that is also recognized the world over features a navy sailor kissing a nurse in Times Square in New York City on August 14, 1945. It was the day that the United States declared victory over Japan in World ||,known as V-J Day. The photographer, Alfred Eisenstaedt, snapped the photo when he noticed the sailor running around kissing strangers. When the sailor grabbed the nurse, Eisenstawdt was ready to take their photograph, effectively capturing the excitement and optimism in the air of the post-war period.


一張也被世界聞名的照片,在1945年8月14日的紐約市時代廣場,海軍水手親吻一名護士的照片。那是美國在第二次世界大戰宣布對日本爭勝利的那一天,稱為 V-J日。攝影師Alfred Eisenstaedt當他注意到水手在親吻陌生人時,拍攝的照片。當水手抓住護士時,Eisenstawdt已準備拍照,確實地捕捉了戰後時期的興奮和樂觀。


The Kiss Seen around the world

The subjects of the photo were complete strangers. Many people have claimed to be the sailor and nurse whose faces are obscured by the angle of the camera.

A week after being taken, the photo was published in Life magazine. Another photograph of the same kiss, taken by another photographer, was issued in the New York Times, but it was a tighter angle and failed to show the familiar Times Square buildings in the background. Eisenstaedt maintained copyrights for his photo and limited how it could be made. The other image of the kiss is in the public domain because it was produced by a federal government employee on official duty. Last September, the woman believed to be the heroine photographed in the historic photo died at the age of 92.




Restoration Man

The United Kingdom is home to many historic buildings, from abandoned churches to outdated industrial structures and more. It takes a certain skill to repurpose these kinds of buildings into family homes or offices. Good thing architect George Clarke has a passion for restoring and converting fixer-uppers.His show Restoration Man on National Geographic follows him and his clients as he tackles a variety of projects and overcomes the obstacles standing in the way of property owners achieving their dreams of the perfect home. Clarke uncovers the history of each building by doing research and conducting interviews with local experts and the previous owners or occupants, which inform his design and construction decisions.

英國是很多歷史建築物的家,從廢棄的教堂到過時的工業建築物勝智更多。這些建築物需要特定的技術重新利用變成家或辦公室。好事情,George Clarke建築師對修復、改裝舊屋有熱情。他的秀Restoration Man在國家地理頻道,跟著他和他的客戶處理很多種的專案、項目和克服障礙,這些障礙妨礙了房子所有者達成他們的夢想,他們的夢想是有一個漂亮的家。Clarke揭開了每一個建築物的歷史,藉由做研究和跟當地專家、房子先前的所有者和佔有者面試,這些都影響了他的設計和建造決定。


Restoration Man

It all started as a show on British television back in 2010, and the idea was eventually picked up by National Geographic. Using innovative architectural programs, historical photos, and animated graphics, Restoration Man takes viewers through the whole complicated process of what it takes to renovate a property into a livable home.The drama cause by challenges the owners face, and how Clarke helps them create a unique living space living space they can be proud of, make for compelling television.

Learning about the past and shaping the future is one way that Restoration Man stands out from other home renovation or building shows on reality TV. Clarke uses his expertise and experience to turn shabby, broken-down abodes into beautiful designs. Tune in to National Geographic to see Clarke work his magic and make each structure a work of art by changing and improving on its existing structure.

這一切開始於2010年在英國電視的一個節目,這個想法被國家地理採用。 Restoration Man(老屋重生術)使用創新的建築程序,歷史照片和動畫圖像,帶著觀眾通過整個複雜的過程,將舊屋翻新成適合居住的家園。屋主面臨的挑戰造成戲劇效果,以及Clarke如何幫他們創造一個獨特且為此感到自豪的生活空間,由此成為引人注目的電視。

學習過去和塑造未來是Restoration Man(老屋重生術)從其他建築改造的電視節目中脫穎而出的一種方式。 Clarke用他的專業知識和經驗將破舊的住所變成美麗的設計。收看國家地理,看看克拉克用他的魔法去製造每個建築物,並通過改變和改進現有的建築物,使每個建築物都成為藝術作品。


Czech Glass Nail Files&The Benefits of Bohemian Glass

Keeping your nails clean and trimmed is part of having good hygiene. Some people have their nails professionally taken care of at salons, where they can relax while being pampered with manicures or pedicures. A staple of any nail salon is the glass nail file. Also known as the Czech glass nail file, these instruments are designed to keep your nails looking their best.

The region of the Czech Republic known as Bohemia has a legacy of producing high quality glass and crystal, which is a type of glass that contains a certain percentage of lead . Master artisans use thermal hardening to make the glass more durable and less likely to break.




Czech Glass Nail Files&The Benefits of Bohemian Glass

Just in case it does break, unlike regular glass, the pieces are not razor sharp and are safer to clean up. This sought-after glassware comes in a range of styles, from chandeliers from chandeliers for French royalty to jewelry that is as precious as diamonds.

A revolutionary new technology was implemented in 1997 that uses tempered, or hardened Czech glass to create nail files. The superior structure makes the glass optimal for sanding down nails and dead skin without causing damage. There are many benefits to using glass to file your nails compared to other materials. For example, the glass stays more sterile because the surface of the file doesn't absorb germs, and the granular surface of the glass doesn't wear down like metal nail files. Thanks to the miracle of the special glass, which has a rich past, glass nail files reign supreme.

萬一玻璃指甲刀真的破了,它不會像一般的玻璃,玻璃碎片不鋒利,打掃起來也比較安全。這個受歡迎的玻璃製品有各種樣式,從法國皇室的枝形吊燈到像鑽石般寶貴的珠寶都有。 在1997年實施一個革命性的新技術,這個技術是用經過鍛鍊或硬化捷克玻璃去製造指甲刀。用更好的結構做出最佳的玻璃,能在磨指甲、死皮時不造成皮膚損傷。用這個玻璃的指甲刀去修你的指甲和其他材質的指甲刀相比有很多好處。例如,玻璃指甲刀能保持無菌,因為它的表面不會吸收細菌,且顆粒狀的表面不會像金屬的指甲刀會磨損。這個有豐富歷史的特別玻璃奇蹟,讓玻璃指甲刀極度盛行。


Japanese Tourists Feel at Home in Taiwan

Before World War ∥ ended, the Empire of Japan ruled Taiwan for five decades. Maybe that's why Japanese tourists feel at home traveling to their neighboring island to the south. The Japanese left behind a mixed legacy, which involved both the genocide of the indigenous people on the island and the building of important infrastructure.

This history doesn't stop most Taiwanese locals from welcoming tourists from Japan with open arms.




Plans To Start Diving Tours of Titanic Shipwreck

Beginning in 2018, the most infamous shipwreck of all time will be open to tourists again. Blue Marble Private, a luxury travel company based in London, is planning dives to see what remains of the Titanic. They are urging people to come see it now because a study from 2016 found that bacteria are corroding the wreckage, and over the next 15 to 20 years, the Titanic could be gone. It will cost an estimated US$105,129 for each person who wants to see the Titanic, and the first scheduled dive is already booked solid.



The Scoop of the Century

Journalists are meant to report the news, but sometimes 噁the story of their lives is also worthy of making the headlines. One example is Clare Hollingworth, who was born in 1911. She would go on to become a legendary figure in journalism during a century noted for unparalleled change.

Hollingworth's father took his young daughter to visit major historical battlefields as a child, so her interest in war began at an early age. She started work as a secretary for the new League of Nations and was later sent to Poland by a British refugee organization. While working there, she assisted in sending several thousand refugee to safety in the United Kingdom. Hollingworth then returned to Britain herself and was hired by The Daily Telegraph, a UK newspaper. When she was sent to Poland to report on worsening situations in Europe, she spotted hundreds of tanks near the Polish border and realized that Hitler was preparing an attack.

記者的目的是要播報新聞,但有時他們的故事也值得登上頭條。其中一個例子是Clare Hollingworth,她出生於1911,她以前所未有的改變在一世紀中,接著變成新聞界傳奇的人物。



The Scoop of the Century

After only three days on her new job as a correspondent, she submitted a news story about the upcoming attack that later earned the nickname "the scoop of the century." Germany attacked Poland three days later, starting World ∥.

Hollingworth continued to report during the war from Europe and Egypt. Afterwards, she spent time to Algeria, where the locals were rebelling against French colonial rule. This was followed by posts in India, Vietnam, China, and other places. While in Lebanon during 1963, she discovered that the infamous double agent Kim Philby, a man wanted by the British government, had fled to Russia.

From 1973 to her death in January of 2017 at the age of 105, Hollingworth made her home in Hong Kong. Though she was only 160 cm tall, Hollingworth was nonetheless a true giant among journalists.


Hollingworth繼續報導歐洲和埃及之間的戰爭。之後,她花時間去阿爾及利亞,他們當地居民反抗法國的殖民統治。後來派到印度、越南、中國和其他地方。當她1963年到黎巴嫩,發現惡名昭彰的雙重間諜Kim Philby,英國政府通輯的一位男士,他要逃亡到俄羅斯。



The Japanese Fox Village

In East Asian and European folklore, foxes have long been considered intelligent cunning, and mischievous creature. In some culture, they are seen as clever, magical beings with the power to transform into humans. Japanese culture is particularly fond of fox, as can be seen in their literature, video games and even food. For example, inarizushi, or rice balls wrapped in fried tofu skin, is a nod to Shinto fox god in Inari. Part of their appeal is that the small, wild canines with perky ears, bushy talls, and adorable faces are beloved but difficult to approach.

In Japan, there are many ways to get close to exotic animals in controlled environments. Owl cafe, an island of bunnies, islands filled with cats, and cat cafes across the archipelago are some examples. Of tourist attractions centered around animals.




The Japanese Fox Village

If you would rather get up close and personal with foxes in the wild, there is a place located in the the mountains of Miyagi prefecture where you can do just that.

The Zao Fox Village is a free-range fox zoo with 18,000 square feet of forest for six different species of foxes. The sanctuary was founded in 1990 as a haven for foxes that were saved from being killed for their fur. Now, over 100 wild foxes call the village home. All of the different colored foxes playing together in one place is truly a sight to see .However, these foxes are not domesticated, so following the rules to exercise caution is necessary. With plenty of space to roam around and protection from the fur trade, this fox oasis is the perfect opportunity to back in the cuteness of these lovable creatures.




London to Taipei:Double-decker Buses Are Great!

Is there anything more iconic than the red double-decker buses of London? The first double-deckers appeared on the streets of London in the early 1900s, but they were actually manufactured in Germany.Today, modern double-decker are in use in many countries. However, nowhere are they more of a national symbol than in UK. In London, they are also the most common type of bus used for general transportation. In addition to preserving tradition, one reason double-deckers are used more than extra-long buses in the UK is that they are easier to drive on narrow streets and offer more seating capacity for passengers. The AEC Roadmaster bus had been used in London since its introduction in 1956. Nevertheless, this model is now no longer on the streets because of the difficulty these buses had in accommodate disabled passengers, and it has since been replaced by newer models.



London to Taipei:Double-decker Buses Are Great!

In addition to getting passengers from point A to point B, double-decker buses are also operated for sightseeing tours. In tourist hot spots such as Hollywood, Las Vegas, Berlin, Singapore, and Hong Kong,these distinctive vehicles, typically without a roof, are a hit with tourists. In January 2017, double-deckers finally made their way to Taipei. Tourists and locals alike can ride them to view such landmarks as Taipei 101, the Nation Palace Museum, Taipei Expo Park, and several other spots. The price of the ticket allows passengers to get on and off the buses as many times as they wish as long as it is within a specified timeframe. Options include a night ticket,a day ticket, a one-day ticket, as well as a two-day ticket. What are you waiting for? Go ride a double-decker bus through Taipei and see the sights of city like you never have before.



Singapore Buses Use Improper English on Signs

In the multicultural hub of Singapore, English is one of the country's four official languages. The dialect that locals use is commonly called Singlish, which is a unique Singaporean spin on the English language. Like many other places, people in Singapore incorporate slang and improper grammar into their spoken language. The city is embracing Singlish by printing bus signs using what some would call broken English. Signs on the three-door Tower Transit buses are experimenting with the use of Singlish in the public sphere. A few examples of text printed on the signs include:"Sorry, wait a while can?", "Singapore now got 3-door bus!", "Here cannot go in!", "Here can charge phone!" and "Sorry, exit the other side can?"



Singapore Buses Use Improper English on Signs

While it adds local flavor to the experience of taking public transportation, and some people like the quirkiness of the signs, it can be confusing for visitors. According to the bus company, the use of signlish is meant to make people pay closer attention to the signage, which highlights the new USB ports and staircases. The signs are also printed with the correct English written underneath to avoid confusion.

Mr. Rey Serrano, a 34-year-old design engineer, told The Straits Times, "Tourists who do not know Singlish might misunderstand the sign and leave with a bad impression of Singaporeans' standard of English." Although some people might get the wrong idea, the signs will only be left up there for six months to see how it works out.


Rey Serrano先生34歲,是一位設計工程師,告訴海峽時報:「不知道新加坡式英語的遊客可能會誤解這個標誌,並對新加坡人的英語水平留下不好的印象離開。」雖然有些人可能會有誤解,但這些標誌只會留在巴士六個月,看看它是如何運作的。


England's Eton College

Eton College is one of the most distinguished and interesting learning institutions in the United Kingdom. Probably the most famous school of its kind in the world, Eton enrolls around 1,300 male boarding students, aged 13 to 18. Eton College is not a College in the conventional sense of the word, but rather a boy's senior high school.

Eton is renowned for its quality education, state-of-the-art learning facilities, and a wide range of extracurricular activities. Students enjoy a low pupil-teacher ratio, and each student has his own private study room and tutor. The school has a high success rate for students being accepted into leading universities in the UK like Oxford and Cambridge.The prestigious institution has been educating high achievers since its founding in 1440 by King Herry VI as a school for underprivileged boys.


伊頓以優質的教育、最先進的學習設施與各式各樣的課外活動而聞名。學生和老師的比率低,每個學生都有自己的私人書房和導師。伊頓學校被英國牛津大學和劍橋大學錄取的成功率很高。這個有名望的學校從1440年由King Herry六世成立以來,為貧困男孩設的學校,教育出了高成就者。


England's Eton College

Eton boasts 20 British prime ministers among its alumni. Little wonder, since it is traditionally referred to as "the chief nurse of England's statesmen."

As one would expect,it is not easy to enroll in Eton College. Of course, successful applicants must demonstrate proficiency in the standard examination subjects. In addition, their intelligence and creativity are tested in some unique ways. One question asked applicants to imagine they were Shakespeare's Lady Macbeth and to make up a diary entry they think she would write expressing her feelings after receiving her husband's letter. There was also a quiz in which they had to successfully figure out word meanings in a made-up language. Perhaps most difficult was the essay assignment requiring the applicants to explain why the killing of violent protesters by police, a current news story, was both moral and the only available option.




The culture of Eton College places great emphasis on their students'extracurricular, non-academic life. There are numerous clubs, called societies, that focus on such things as economics, polices, business, finance, and investment banking. There is an aviation society for airplane hobbyists a visionary society that's all about futurology, and a society about American politics and issues, to name a few. If there is not already a society for a students particular interest, he is encouraged to start one. A teacher represents each society, but these clubs are managed by their members. Every week, the student groups host up to 20 speaking events. Speakers are often Nobel Prize winners and typically world-class experts. A hallmark of Eton's student culture is that they are given the freedom and independence to pursue individual interests in a nurturing environment where students develop a high degree of self-confidence and responsibility.



The Cat Raised as a Dog

There is a common saying,"They fight like cats and dogs." Perhaps this phrase come about because these two animals have different characteristics. Cats are distant and take some time to become friendly, while dogs are known for their ability to socialize with other animals. Therefore, the story of Rosie the cat may come as a surprise to many people.

As a kitten, Rosie was not in the best of health. Fortunately, a trio of Californian sisters rescued her. The sisters realized that medicine could only do so much, and this situation needed a mother's touch. The sisters' family has three Siberian Huskies, one of which took on the task of raising the kitten as her own. Thought the dog had never been a mother before, she quickly adapted to her new role.

有個常見的話,「他們大吵一架(像貓狗一樣吵)。」或許這個用語的出現,是因為這兩種動物有著不同的特點。貓不親近人,要花些時間才會變友善,狗有和其他動物社交的能力這是眾所周知的事。因此,Rosie 的故事可能會讓你出乎意料。



The Cat Raised as a Dog

In many ways, Rosie now acts like a dog. She likes to play in water, she travels with a pack, and she even enjoys eating dog food. While the family has other cats, she prefer to spend time with her canine cohorts. There is a psychological theory called imprinting that may account for this odd behavior. People and animals learn how to behave from their caretakers. When a caretaker does certain gestures or action, the one being taken care of will often mimic the same action. This is why young children will have the same language and accents as their parents. For Rosie, all that matters is that she went from being homeless to becoming a member of a large and loving pack where she can belong, no matter what species she happens to be.

在許多方面,Rosie 現在的行為就跟狗一樣。牠喜歡在水裡玩,旅行時成群,牠甚至很享受吃狗的食物。當她家裡有其他的貓,他比較喜歡花時間和狗狗同伴在一起。有一個心理學理論叫銘印現象,可以說明這個奇怪的行為。人們和動物會從他們的看護人上學習如何表現行為。當一個看護人做某些手勢或行動,被看護的人通常會模仿著一樣的動作,這就是為什麼小孩和他們的父母會說出一樣的語言和口音。對Rosie來說,最重要的是,他從無家可歸到能成為一個龐大又有愛的動物群裡的一員,無論她是什麼物種。