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#Jimmy would not get up for breakfast, ______ his dad had already tried to pull himfrom his bed several times.
#Jimmy would not get up for breakfast, ______ his dad had already tried to pull himfrom his bed several times.
#:(A) although
#:(B) because
#:(C) if
#:(D) until
#Steven wants to be a ______, because he loves to watch people enjoy the food he prepares.
#Steven wants to be a ______, because he loves to watch people enjoy the food he prepares.
#:(A) cook
#If you’re interested in our business plan,______ this number and ask for Ms. Lee.She’ll answer your questions.<br/>On Teachers’ Day, we thank our teachers for their hard work. We also celebratethis day to remember Confucius, the great Chinese teacher from 2,500 years ago.Well, that’s everything we’re taught about Teachers’ Day. But, the first Teachers’Day was not on Confucius’s birthday, and it was not about thanking our teachers.In 1930, Mr. Tai Shuang-qiu and other teachers celebrated the first Teachers’Day in Nanjing. But there was nothing to celebrate. Teachers were paid very little and not respected. These teachers took this chance to shout out their problems. They had Teachers’ Day on June 6 because the date was easy to remember and near the end of the school year. This action by Mr. Tai and the other teachers was welcomed and followed by teachers from other cities. In 1939, the government made Teachers’Day a national holiday. However, it was on August 27, the day when Confucius’s birthday was celebrated. Not everyone hailed this decision: Teachers’ Day was never about Confucius, and Confucius couldn’t speak for all the teachers either. One funny thing was that the government was wrong about the date of Confucius’s birthday. In 1952, people found out he was in fact born on September 28. That was when we started to celebrate Teachers’ Day on Confucius’s real birthday.<br/>respect 尊敬 government 政府<br/><br/>
#:(B) doctor
#:(C) driver
#:(D) farmer
#If you’re interested in our business plan,______ this number and ask for Ms. Lee.She’ll answer your questions.
#:(A) calling
#:(B) call
#:(C) and call
#:(D) to call
On Teachers’ Day, we thank our teachers for their hard work. We also celebratethis day to remember Confucius, the great Chinese teacher from 2,500 years ago.Well, that’s everything we’re taught about Teachers’ Day. But, the first Teachers’Day was not on Confucius’s birthday, and it was not about thanking our teachers.In 1930, Mr. Tai Shuang-qiu and other teachers celebrated the first Teachers’Day in Nanjing. But there was nothing to celebrate. Teachers were paid very little and not respected. These teachers took this chance to shout out their problems. They had Teachers’ Day on June 6 because the date was easy to remember and near the end of the school year. This action by Mr. Tai and the other teachers was welcomed and followed by teachers from other cities. In 1939, the government made Teachers’Day a national holiday. However, it was on August 27, the day when Confucius’s birthday was celebrated. Not everyone hailed this decision: Teachers’ Day was never about Confucius, and Confucius couldn’t speak for all the teachers either. One funny thing was that the government was wrong about the date of Confucius’s birthday. In 1952, people found out he was in fact born on September 28. That was when we started to celebrate Teachers’ Day on Confucius’s real birthday.<br/>respect 尊敬 government 政府<br/><br/>
#What idea is talked about in the reading?
#What idea is talked about in the reading?
#:(A) How Teachers’ Day is celebrated now.
#:(A) How Teachers’ Day is celebrated now.

於 2021年5月25日 (二) 11:55 的修訂



  1. 連詞造句,以下諸句造一複合句,後句須含連詞,不能抄襲今年會考題目:
    • 即使…
    • 除非…
    • 只有…
    • 與其…
  2. 愛爾蘭文學家喬哀思流亡海外多年,其創作大多根植於早年在愛爾蘭都柏林的生活。他曾說:「有一天,都柏林這座城市毀了,人們也可以憑藉我的小說,一磚一瓦的將之重建。」透過這句話可以推斷出其小說具有什麼特性?
  3. 「臺灣海峽(黑水溝)的形成是受地形影響,水流最快可達每秒四公尺。當湍急的水流帶走水中的沉積與雜屑,海水少了許多反射陽光的雜質,使光線能貫穿深處,所呈現的色澤就如墨黑般的深藍。」試述每秒四公尺的恆定水流,對人類的生活有些什麼正、負面的影響。
    另外,參考 https://highscope.ch.ntu.edu.tw/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2011/07/圖片113.jpg 此圖,臺灣海峽水流最快真的可達每秒四公尺嗎?
  4. 「閱讀」是最適合一個人進行的行為,毫無落單的疑慮,它要求靜默,摒除和人交談的需求。我在圖書館,拿起書,坐定在某一處,沉入書中世界。在此,我不再是被他人拋下的,是我選擇背對那些喧譁。一開始僅僅是裝模作樣,但我漸漸發現,手中捧讀的,往往是其他質數的孤獨。這一冊冊的創作,使我瞭解到,在廣漠人世裡,不只我是落單者,正如37後面有41,101前面有97。身為質數,在數列裡,我們無法緊挨著取暖,總是隔著許多無法理解我們的他人,但那孤獨正是因為身具的奇特性質而來。那麼,我,與其他親愛的質數,難道不正因此是特別的?於是才終於相信,自己不是被除法剩下的那孤絕丁零的餘數,而是個不需他人合成的質數。後來,我體認到這些同為質數者,是以寫作面對自身的孤絕、痛苦,且彷彿因此得到救贖。同時,也正因其出眾的書寫,寫定了自身價值。我驚喜地發現,那不會離開自我的「一」,能與自身緊緊相繫的,原來正是「寫作」。


  1. 求 { [ ( 4√3 + 2√3 ) + ( 4√3 − 2√3 ) ] × 2√3 } ÷ 2
  2. 若坐標平面上二次函數 y = a(x+b)2 + c 的圖形,經過平移後可與 y = (x+3)2 的圖形完全疊合,則 a、b、c 的值,三者中哪些必可以確定?
  3. 若 a 、 b 為正整數,且 a × b = 25 × 32 × 5,則 1,8,12 可能為 a 、 b 的最大公因數, 6 不可能為 a 、 b 的最大公因數,為什麼?
  4. 凱特平時常用底面為矩形的模具製作蛋糕,並以「平行於模具任一邊」的方式進行橫切或縱切,橫切都是從模具的左邊切割到模具的右邊,縱切都是從模具的上邊切割到模具的下邊。用這種方式,可以切出數個大小完全相同的小塊蛋糕。在切割後,他發現小塊蛋糕接觸模具的地方外皮比較焦脆,以圖(十四)為例,橫切 2 刀,縱切 3 刀,共計 5 刀,切出 (2+1)×(3+1)=12 個小塊蛋糕,其中側面有焦脆的小塊蛋糕共有 10 個,所有側面都不焦脆的小塊蛋糕共有 2 個。
    • 若對一塊蛋糕切了 4 刀,則可切出幾個小塊蛋糕?請寫出任意一種可能的蛋糕塊數即可。
    • 今凱特根據一場聚餐的需求,打算製作出恰好 60 個所有側面都不焦脆的小塊蛋糕,為了避免勞累並加快出餐速度,在不超過 20 刀的情況下,請問凱特需要切幾刀,才可以達成需求?請寫出所有可能的情形。


  1. Jimmy would not get up for breakfast, ______ his dad had already tried to pull himfrom his bed several times.
  2. Steven wants to be a ______, because he loves to watch people enjoy the food he prepares.
  3. If you’re interested in our business plan,______ this number and ask for Ms. Lee.She’ll answer your questions.
    On Teachers’ Day, we thank our teachers for their hard work. We also celebratethis day to remember Confucius, the great Chinese teacher from 2,500 years ago.Well, that’s everything we’re taught about Teachers’ Day. But, the first Teachers’Day was not on Confucius’s birthday, and it was not about thanking our teachers.In 1930, Mr. Tai Shuang-qiu and other teachers celebrated the first Teachers’Day in Nanjing. But there was nothing to celebrate. Teachers were paid very little and not respected. These teachers took this chance to shout out their problems. They had Teachers’ Day on June 6 because the date was easy to remember and near the end of the school year. This action by Mr. Tai and the other teachers was welcomed and followed by teachers from other cities. In 1939, the government made Teachers’Day a national holiday. However, it was on August 27, the day when Confucius’s birthday was celebrated. Not everyone hailed this decision: Teachers’ Day was never about Confucius, and Confucius couldn’t speak for all the teachers either. One funny thing was that the government was wrong about the date of Confucius’s birthday. In 1952, people found out he was in fact born on September 28. That was when we started to celebrate Teachers’ Day on Confucius’s real birthday.
    respect 尊敬 government 政府

  4. What idea is talked about in the reading?
    (A) How Teachers’ Day is celebrated now.
    (B) Why Teachers’ Day was celebrated at first.
    (C) Why Confucius was seen as a great teacher.
    (D) How teachers today feel about Teachers’ Day.
  5. Which is true about Teachers’ Day from the reading?
    (A) It used to be celebrated on different dates.
    (B) It was started by students for their teachers.
    (C) It has been celebrated in Nanjing for over 2,500 years.
    (D) Teachers decided to celebrate it on Confucius’s birthday.