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行 32: 行 32:
absolutely 完全
  The food was absolutely disgusting 這食物實在是難以下嚥
*(表示強烈贊同) 一點不錯,完全對
  "It was an excellent film, though." "Absolutely!"「不過這部電影棒極了。」「完全同意!」
  "Are you too tired to continue?" "Absolutely not!" 「你是不是太累了,無法繼續下去了?」「當然不是!」
assignment 分配
  assignment of the various tasks
  I have a lot of reading assignments to complete before the end of term. 期末前我有大量閱讀功課要完成
award (頒)獎
* 給予,授予;判給,裁定
  Carlos was awarded first prize in the essay competition 卡洛斯獲頒短文寫作比賽第一名。
communicate 溝通
  Has the news been communicated to the staff yet? 消息傳達給員工了嗎?
  I find I just can't communicate with her. 我發現我和她就是無法溝通。
  The bedroom communicates with both bathroom and hall. 臥室與廁所和門廳都是相通的。
contract 合約
  My solicitor is writing a contract. 我的律師正在起草一份合同。
  He contracted malaria while he was travelling. 他旅行時染上了瘧疾。
constitutional 憲法
  Such a policy would not be constitutional. 這樣的政策是不符合憲法的。
  She's nearly 86 and still takes a constitutional every morning. 她將近86歲了,每天早上仍然散步鍛煉。
  The new president was greeted by an ecstatic crowd. 新總統受到狂熱人群的熱烈歡迎。
fit in 融入
  It's no surprise she's leaving - she never really fitted in. 她要離開——這一點也不意外,因為她從來都沒有真正融入過
  It's a very nice sofa but it doesn't fit in with the rest of the room. 這張沙發很漂亮,但是跟房間裡其他的傢俱不搭配。
invisible 看不見的
  The aircraft is designed to be invisible to radar. 這種飛機的設計目的是能躲過雷達探測。
  an increase in invisible exports 無形出口的增長
probably 大概
  I'll probably be home by midnight. 我很可能半夜到家。
scholarship 獎學金
He got a scholarship to Harvard. 他獲得了哈佛的獎學金。
  a work of great scholarship 高度學術性的著作
*be supposed to 應該
*freak out 抓狂;害怕
*mess-up 弄亂
*no time at all 根本沒有時間
*learn the hard way 從錯誤中學到教訓

於 2020年11月27日 (五) 11:40 的最新修訂







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absolutely 完全

  • (表示強烈感情的動詞前,以加強語氣)完全地;絕對地
  The food was absolutely disgusting 這食物實在是難以下嚥
  • (表示強烈贊同) 一點不錯,完全對
  "It was an excellent film, though." "Absolutely!"「不過這部電影棒極了。」「完全同意!」
  • (表示強烈反對)當然不是,絕對不行
  "Are you too tired to continue?" "Absolutely not!" 「你是不是太累了,無法繼續下去了?」「當然不是!」

assignment 分配

  • 分配(任務);指派(人員)
  assignment of the various tasks
  • (尤指學業或工作方面的)任務,功課
  I have a lot of reading assignments to complete before the end of term. 期末前我有大量閱讀功課要完成

award (頒)獎

  • 給予,授予;判給,裁定
  Carlos was awarded first prize in the essay competition 卡洛斯獲頒短文寫作比賽第一名。

communicate 溝通

  • 交流,溝通(資訊)
  Has the news been communicated to the staff yet? 消息傳達給員工了嗎?
  • 傳達,表達,傳遞,溝通(思想或感情)
  I find I just can't communicate with her. 我發現我和她就是無法溝通。
  • (房間)互通,相連
  The bedroom communicates with both bathroom and hall. 臥室與廁所和門廳都是相通的。

contract 合約

  • 合同;契約
  My solicitor is writing a contract. 我的律師正在起草一份合同。
  • 患上,感染(疾病)
  He contracted malaria while he was travelling. 他旅行時染上了瘧疾。

constitutional 憲法

  • 憲法(或章程)允許的,符合憲法(或章程)的
  Such a policy would not be constitutional. 這樣的政策是不符合憲法的。
  • 健身散步
  She's nearly 86 and still takes a constitutional every morning. 她將近86歲了,每天早上仍然散步鍛煉。


  • 狂喜的,欣喜若狂的
 The new president was greeted by an ecstatic crowd. 新總統受到狂熱人群的熱烈歡迎。

fit in 融入

  • 合得來;適應
 It's no surprise she's leaving - she never really fitted in. 她要離開——這一點也不意外,因為她從來都沒有真正融入過
  • 相合;合適
  It's a very nice sofa but it doesn't fit in with the rest of the room. 這張沙發很漂亮,但是跟房間裡其他的傢俱不搭配。

invisible 看不見的

  • 看不見的,隱形的
  The aircraft is designed to be invisible to radar. 這種飛機的設計目的是能躲過雷達探測。
  • (指服務業、金融業等所產生的收入)無形的
  an increase in invisible exports 無形出口的增長

probably 大概

  • 很可能;大概
  I'll probably be home by midnight. 我很可能半夜到家。

scholarship 獎學金

  • 獎學金

He got a scholarship to Harvard. 他獲得了哈佛的獎學金。

  • 學問;學術;學術研究
  a work of great scholarship 高度學術性的著作


  • be supposed to 應該
  • freak out 抓狂;害怕
  • mess-up 弄亂
  • no time at all 根本沒有時間
  • learn the hard way 從錯誤中學到教訓